Thanks to the Caveman

Twenty-something years ago, Naama, my wife, “dragged” me to Avi Kushnir’s play “Defending the Caveman.” (Written and originally performed by Rob Becker, one of the most successful solo shows ever).

Defending the Caveman Hebrew Version

Back then, this show was the hottest thing on Israeli stages – performing over 1000 times! It was hilarious, but mostly what I remember was a virtuoso Kushnir mesmerizing the crowd. And I sat there watching and wanting to be there in his shoes!

Maybe that doesn’t sound so strange because I’d guess every actor, watching another actor mastering the stage, deep down wants to be in his place. But I wasn’t an actor. Far from it. I had never been on a stage, never studied acting and had never been drawn by the spotlights.

Today, when Dori Sella wrote a most flattering review about us on TripAdvisor, and said that The Wandering Israeli reminded her of what she felt when she watched Defending the Caveman, I just felt I had to say Thank you. Thank you not only to Dori, but to Kushnir, Rob Becker, and especially to my loving cavewoman who dragged me to that show.

Elad, The Wandering Israeli

P.S. Leave us a review on TripAdvisor and you never know what story will emerge from it 🙂